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HomePoliticsMahama's Re-Setting Ghana Manifesto in Focus

Mahama’s Re-Setting Ghana Manifesto in Focus


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01 Implement a 24-hour economy strategy with three (3) shifts of eight (8) hours each to maximise productivity and efficiency, transform Ghana into an import substitution and export-led economy, enhance access to public services, and create more well-paying jobs for unemployed Ghanaians.
02 Stop the economic decline and restore stability and inclusive growth to the economy.
03 We will also give opportunities for experienced banking hands who lost their jobs after the collapse of banks to secure their careers once more and move from the menial jobs they were forced into.
04 We shall abolish the obnoxious e-levy and review the levy imposed on bet winnings.
With improved revenues from the savings made from a reduced size of government, an anti-corruption fight, fast-tracked operationalisation of new oil and gas wells, increased investment in the mining sector, and a revamped cocoa sector, we can ease the heavy tax burden that has been placed on Ghanaian households and businesses.
05 Actively attract viable and serious private sector investors to partner with the
government to invest in productive sectors for job creation.
06 We shall relocate some ministries out of the central business area to decongest the city of Accra.
07 This will involve an emphasis on agriculture and agribusiness and will have a strong focus on making Ghanaians own their micro-enterprises.
08 Lead a process to set a standardised limit for borrowing and ensure that Ghana never suffers such a deadly debt management programme that threatens to send elderly people holding government bonds to their early graves and wipe out the investments of the Ghanaian middle class.
09 The next NDC administration will transform the economy, diversify our exports, and ensure value addition to create more jobs from January 2025.
10 We will add value to our cocoa by increasing domestic processing, refining our gold before export, and pursuing the dream of an integrated bauxite and alumina industry.
11 VALCO TOR and other strategic industries that can serve as extra pillars for our economy will be brought onstream.
12 Building a modernized agricultural economy driven by technology and digitalisation and establishing agribusiness shall be one of the key anchors of our economic transformation plan.
13 The new NDC government will introduce a new budget in April 2025 to support small and medium-scale businesses and adjust some taxes.
14 We shall also establish and deploy farmers’ service centres nationwide in all districts to boost production and output.

15 We shall revive the concept of school farms, with the produce from the farms used to feed the students. 16 We shall apply the Price Stabilization Levy for its intended purpose of cushioning petroleum consumers. 17 As a matter of urgency, we shall revamp the Tema Oil Refinery and ensure that it processes domestic crude oil (as was started under our administration). 18 The 24-hour Economy policy will support businesses operating round-the-clock, enhancing productivity and job creation. 19 To hold a National Economic Dialogue within the first 100 days to propose home gown policies.
20 Ensure a stable economy and macro-economic environment to enable businesses to plan.
21 Stringent reforms to ensure fiscal discipline in public administration.
22 Launch an urgent economic recovery and fiscal
consolidation plan within the first 100 days.
23 Ensure the extractive sector operates within a mutually
beneficial tax environment to stabilise the exchange rate.
24 Reduce excessive government spending and prevent waste and corruption.

25 Simplify VAT collection, abolish e-levy and other burdensome taxes, and ensure fair and nonintrusive tax audits. 26 Expand the tax net to cover other workers rather than increase taxes. 27 We will create an Accelerated Export Development Program chaired by the President and engage stakeholders to identify easier-to-export products. 28 The government will work with non-banking financing companies to pre-finance importers with loans at a regulated interest rate to help importers clear their containers on time. 29 Stop collateralising statutory funds to take on more loans.
30 Put a cap on borrowing and amend the PFMA to enforce the same.
31 Move away from overemphasis on GDP and focus more on GNP.
32 Restore cocoa production to improve forex flow and
accelerate oil and gas drilling to bolster energy supply.
33 Invest in agriculture, tourism, light, manufacturing, and creative industries to create jobs and reduce poverty.
34 Establish special zones in all sixteen regions to add value
to local crops and reduce raw material imports.

Banking and Financial Sector
01 Reform the Bank of Ghana and rejuvenate the almost collapsed banking and financial sector.
02 As far as practicable, banking licenses that this Government unjustly cancelled will be restored.
03 Local participation in the banking, financial, telecommunications, mining, oil and gas, agriculture, manufacturing, and construction sectors should be prioritised to generate more jobs for the youth.

Government Efficiency
01 Run the leanest but most efficient government under the fourth republic by
appointing not more than 60 ministers and deputy ministers in our bid to cut down on government expenditure.
02 We shall combine specific ministries and eliminate government agencies that duplicate each other.
03 We shall decentralise recruitment into the security agencies and ensure that recruitments are done nationally.
04 Abolish the payment of ex-gratia and cut out waste and ostentation in government.
05 Set up a Commission of Enquiry to investigate the matter of looted State Lands and make recommendations for resolving the vexed issue of expropriated Ga-Dangbe lands.
06 The Fourth Estate of the realm – the media – will also be given the conducive and collaborative atmosphere to operate as the fourth power that they ought to be without threats, harassment, and assassinations.
Legal and Regulatory
01 Work with Parliament and all stakeholders to complete the
constitution review process and strengthen separation of powers.
02 Reconsider the tax exemption regime and ensure that any exemptions benefit the Ghanaian people.
Anti-Corruption Measures
01 Government procurement is recognised as a significant source of corruption and
misappropriation of public funds. We will, among other measures, set up an Independent Value for Money office to scrutinise all government procurements above a $5 million threshold or as shall be recommended by Parliament.
02 Give anti-corruption state institutions unfettered space to operate – The Clearing
Agent’s days must end on January 07 2025.
03 Establish a Governance Advisory Council to help improve political governance, curb corruption, and ensure respect for human rights. The Council will include representatives of Civil Society Organizations, religious leaders, traditional leaders, and ordinary Ghanaians. It will be empowered to release a State of Governance in Ghana report every year.
04 We shall wage an intense fight against corruption to reduce waste and save money for reinvestment in the economy.
05 The sword of the fight against corruption will cut both ways—against past government
officials, officials of the incumbent administration, civil and public servants, businesses, government suppliers, etc. if they violate the law.
06 The Fourth Estate of the realm – the media – will also be given the conducive and collaborative atmosphere to operate as the fourth power that they ought to be without threats, harassment, and assassinations.
01 We shall commit to
establishing libraries in primary schools to promote a reading culture. 06 We shall integrate the Free SHS Secretariat into the
Education Directorate for better oversight.
02 We shall address the critical issue of textbook distribution and ensure the provision of relevant educational materials. 07 Reintroduce free sanitary pads for female students
in primary and senior high schools.
03 We shall prioritise the completion of abandoned educational infrastructure to reduce class sizes. 08 We plan to decentralise the school feeding program to
boost local economies and improve nutrition.
04 We shall review and improve the free SHS/TVET policy through stakeholder engagement. 09 We shall strengthen PTAs to enhance community and
stakeholder participation in schools.

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05 We shall Guarantee the timely disbursement of capitation grants based on the needs and resources of the schools.
10 We shall develop incentives for teachers in deprived areas with comprehensive data collection.

11 We shall empower school heads with the resources and authority to manage schools effectively. 16 We shall pay a 20% allowance to rural-based teachers.
12 We shall collaborate with unions to develop housing and auto loan schemes for teachers. 17 We shall cancel the obnoxious licensure examination for
13 Build Teacher accommodation
in basic schools and start a policy of adding teacher accommodation to every basic school to be constructed. 18 We shall cancel the obnoxious licensure examination for
Teacher Trainee graduates.
14 We shall ensure prompt recruitment, payment of salaries, and clearance of arrears for teachers. 19 We shall scrap the quota system for admissions into
nursing and teacher training colleges to expand students’ enrollment.
15 We will expand secondary school spaces, improve the implementation of the FREE SHS, end the dreaded double- 20 We shall reverse the names of Public Universities re-named
by the NPP to reflect the core mandate of those universities.
track system, and relieve the teacher workload.

Healthcare Services
01 We shall remove taxes on essential medical supplies for dialysis.
02 We shall also establish a Cancer and Kidney Disease Trust Fund to support afflicted Ghanaians who need assistance to treat such conditions.
03 We shall remove taxes on essential medical supplies for dialysis. We shall also establish a Cancer and Kidney Disease Trust Fund to support afflicted Ghanaians who need assistance to treat such conditions.
04 We shall scrap the quota system for admissions into nursing and
teacher training colleges to expand students’ enrollment.
05 We shall ensure the prompt posting of trained health professionals.
Healthcare Services
06 We shall construct a potable water system for the people of Yendi and upgrade the Yendi Hospital to improve healthcare services and reduce long-distance travel for medical care.
07 We shall ensure the prompt posting of trained health professionals. 08 We shall establish a modern dialysis centre in the Upper East region.
09 We shall build a referral hospital in Bawku.
10 The NHIS cannot pay claims because this government capped it, and we shall cancel the Capping and realignment.
Implement a $10 billion, 5-year infrastructure investment in critical sectors.
Complete abandoned and ongoing projects instead of rushing to start new ones. We will carry out an inventory of all hospitals, schools, electrification, water, and road projects which have stalled or been abandoned and make annual budgetary allocations for completing them.

01 We shall restore the road toll and expand its collection systems. 02 We shall carve out a path for OKADA riders on newly constructed roads. 03 We shall have an assembly
plant for electric motorbikes, which shall be given to riders on-hire purchasers. 04 We shall give Okada riders
different licenses, assist with permits, require them to wear reflectors for visibility, and liaise with insurance companies to ensure adequate coverage. 05 We shall build the Cargo
Service Center at the Tamale Airport to enhance the exportation of agricultural produce through the airport. 06 We shall introduce a
Comprehensive pension scheme for commercial drivers.
07 We will have Driver’s Day, a special occasion to honour and appreciate the drivers who have dedicated their lives to safe driving for over 10 to 15 years. It will include the best drivers in the district, regional, and national sectors whose contributions are invaluable to our community. 08 We shall consider exploring an arrangement in which GPRTU can partner with district assemblies or private investors to modernise terminals on a revenue-sharing basis. 09 We shall revive the construction of Cocoa roads in cocoa-growing communities. 10 We shall complete the Eastern Corridor Road. 11 We shall build an airport in the upper east region. 12 We shall construct a potable water system for the people of Yendi and upgrade the

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01 We shall facilitate an affordable housing scheme for teachers by collaborating and supporting teacher unions. 02 Build Teacher accommodation in basic schools and start a policy of adding teacher accommodation to every basic school to be constructed.
01 We shall complete the Tamne Irrigation project, support rice processing factories, provide fish storage facilities and prepare the Komenda Sugar Factory for take-off.
02 We shall construct a potable water system for the people of Yendi.
03 We shall build phase 2 of the Tamne irrigation dam project, which will be completed to boost agriculture in the Upper East region.
04 We shall build the Pwalugu dam to absorb spillage from the Bagre dam and allow farmers to farm all year round.
Support for Farmers
01 We shall establish and deploy farmers’ service centres across all districts in the country to provide farmers with implements and farming support services to boost production and output.
02 We shall revive the cotton industry and support our farmers in growing cotton.
03 We shall establish special zones in all sixteen regions to add value to local
crops and reduce raw material imports.
04 By introducing well-established farmer cooperatives and advanced farming techniques, embracing digital tools, and promoting agribusinesses, we shall create opportunities for farmers to improve food security and bolster economic growth.
05 We will launch a programme similar to “Operation Feed Yourself and Industries” of the early 1970s to make Ghana selfsufficient in basic staples and curb unnecessary imports.
06 We shall revive the concept of school farms, with the produce from the farms used to feed the students.
07 We shall revive the Wulugu livestock station.
08 We shall apply the Price Stabilization Levy for its intended purpose of cushioning petroleum consumers.

Support for Farmers
09 Building a modernized agricultural economy driven by technology and digitalisation and establishing agribusiness shall be one of the key anchors of our economic transformation plan.
10 We will employ and pay young people who live in the fishing communities and along the beaches to clean the beaches every day.
11 We will provide the fishermen with fishing finders to help them locate the exact locations of the fish before casting fishing nets.
12 Artisanal fishermen will be exempted from the close season policy. 13 The National Women’s Bank loans will be given to the Fish Smokers Association and other organised women’s groups to disburse to their members.
14 We will liaise with the fishermen to decide on extending the exclusive zone.
15 The NDC will complete the National Fisheries College we started to help train fishermen.

Support for Farmers
16 We will launch a programme similar to “Operation Feed Yourself and Industries” of the early 1970s to make Ghana self-sufficient in basic staples and curb unnecessary imports.
20 Invest in agricultural research and development to introduce climateresilient and high-yield crop varieties.

17 Actively attract viable 21 Establish a comprehensive and serious private sector agricultural insurance investors to partner with scheme to protect farmers the government to invest in from unpredictable climate productive sectors for job conditions and economic creation. This will involve an shocks.
emphasis on agriculture and agribusiness and a strong focus on making Ghanaians own their own microenterprises.
18 Design a National Food 22 Promote agro-processing Security Policy focusing on and value-addition resilient and sustainable industries to increase the agricultural practices. value chain and create job opportunities.
19 Prioritise local food 23 Ensure efficient production through management and
enhanced support for distribution of water farmers and agribusinesses. resources to enhance
irrigation for agriculture.
Support for Farmers
24 Develop infrastructure to reduce post-harvest losses and improve storage and distribution systems.
25 Enhance training and extension services to support farmers adopting modern agricultural techniques and technologies. 26 Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to track the progress and impact of food security initiatives.
27 Facilitate partnerships with the private sector, civil society organisations, and international agencies to support food security efforts 28 Strengthen the capacity of local governments to implement food security policies and initiatives.
29 Enhance the resilience of agriculture to climate change through the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices.
01 The next NDC administration will transform the economy, 05 We shall build a Cashew Processing Plant in the Bono diversify our exports, and Region.
ensure value addition to create more jobs from January 2025.
02 We will add value to our cocoa by increasing domestic 06 Farmer Co-operatives will be established in every region
processing, refining our gold and receive support to before export, and pursuing the improve their businesses. dream of an integrated bauxite
and alumina industry. VALCO, TOR, and other strategic sectors 07 We shall establish factories in every region based on their that can be extra pillars for our comparative advantage.
economy will be onstream.
03 The next NDC government 07 We shall operationalise the Komenda Sugar Factory.
will build cocoa processing factories in cocoa growing areas so that Ghana will not 09 We shall revive the Pwalugu tomato factory.
only export raw cocoa.
04 We shall build tomato 10 We shall revive the Zuarungu meat factory.
processing plants in the Bono region.

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01 The next NDC Government will partner with local tech startups and businesses to launch a ‘Digital Jobs Initiative’ to create at least 300,000 skilled employment opportunities for the youth.
04 Continue digitalising revenue and payment systems to enhance transparency and efficiency.

02 We shall establish a FinTech Growth Fund with an initial seed capital of USD50 million.
05 Phase out cash for all government services by 2028 and entrench the use of POS devices.

03 We shall train One Million Coders in-demand digital skills for the growing Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing ecosystems, ensuring no one is left behind in the digital revolution.
06 We shall establish free WiFi for all public second-cycle and tertiary institutions nationwide.
01 Implement a tree-growing policy employing young people to grow and nurture trees for afforestation. 02 We shall open district mining offices and decentralise regulatory and licensing processes for artisanal miners.
03 We shall start a tree-growing policy where young people will plant and nurture trees until they grow. 04 We will ensure that our infrastructure development projects are sustainable and climate-resilient. 05 Adopt green building standards and promote energy-efficient technologies in all new construction projects. 06 Invest in renewable energy sources to diversify the energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
07 Promote sustainable urbanisation by enhancing the planning and management of cities and towns. 08 Strengthen the capacity of local governments to implement climate-resilient infrastructure projects.
09 Enhance public awareness and education on the importance of sustainable development practices. 10 Foster partnerships with the private sector and international organisations to support sustainable infrastructure initiatives. 11 Establish a comprehensive framework for the sustainable management of natural resources, including land, water, and forests. 12 Ensure that environmental sustainability is integrated into all aspects of national development planning.
13 Develop and implement policies and programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
14 Promote the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of ecosystems.
15 Enhance the resilience of agriculture to climate change through the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices.
16 Strengthen the capacity of institutions to monitor and enforce environmental regulations and standards. 17 Promote clean and efficient transportation systems to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
18 Support the development and implementation of community-based natural resource management initiatives.
19 Enhance local communities’ capacity to adapt to climate change’s impacts through targeted interventions and support. 20 Foster regional and international cooperation to address transboundary environmental challenges. 21 Promote innovative technologies and practices to enhance environmental sustainability and resilience. 22 Decentralise regulatory and licensing processes for artisanal miners.

01 We shall continue the National Apprenticeship Program.
02 We will implement an improved Living Condition Assessment methodology that ensures marginalised communities are included and adequately reflects their challenges in national statistics.
03 We will ensure that our economic development
strategies are inclusive and leave no one behind.
04 We will ensure that our
social protection policies are inclusive and effectively address the needs of the most vulnerable populations.
05 Strengthen the delivery of social services, including health, education, and housing, to improve the quality of life for all citizens.
06 Invest in developing human
resources for health, including the training and retention of healthcare professionals. 07 Ensure equitable access to education and skills training opportunities for all citizens.
08 Strengthen the quality of education at all levels and promote inclusive education practices.
09 The NDC will reorganize the
Landing Beach Committees, and their leaders will be chosen through elections devoid of party politics. All the subsidised fishing inputs, including premix fuel, outboard motors, etc., will be given to the Landing Beach Committee to share amongst its members. 10 Enhance the capacity of educational institutions to deliver relevant and quality education. 11 Promote lifelong learning opportunities for all citizens to enhance their personal and professional development.
12 Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of social protection programs to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability. 13 Ensure that social protection policies are gender-sensitive and promote the empowerment of women and girls. 14 Promote the active
participation of all population segments in designing and implementing social protection policies.

15 Foster a culture of social solidarity and mutual support to enhance social cohesion and resilience. 16 We shall prioritise investments in human capital development, particularly education, health, and skills training.
17 The government will adopt a multi-dimensional approach to poverty reduction, addressing income and nonincome dimensions. 18 Promote financial inclusion by expanding access to affordable financial services for all population segments.
19 Enhance the capacity of national statistical systems to produce reliable and timely data for effective policy formulation and implementation. 20 Through targeted
interventions and social safety nets, we can strengthen communities’ resilience to economic shocks and natural disasters.
21 Facilitate the active participation of women and youth in economic activities by creating an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and job creation. 22 Promote equitable access to economic resources and opportunities for all citizens.
23 We shall pay a monthly allowance to assemblymen.
24 We will introduce an additional holiday to the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr. However, we will modify the Public Holidays Act to ensure that this does not affect productivity so that Ghana continues to have the same number of public holidays per year.


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